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The Non-Relationship Breakup

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The Let-Down

This is the worst feeling. I'm currently writing this mere moments after receiving the text message that SO many of us have received. We went on a few dates, had sex, and I was allowing myself to get excited about this person. Well... " Hey so I've also been hanging with someone else and it's hit the point where we talked about not seeing other ppl. I'm sorry if you feel led on or something,  and I know it doesn't mean anything but I really liked hanging out and talking to you. So I'm sorry." It of course varies from person to person, but the gist is the same. I've been hearing some version of this my entire dating life, and it never gets easier to stomach. In fact, I could make a strong argument as to the stomaching getting more and more difficult over time. The range of emotions is currently in full-swing.  1. Your soul drops to your pelvis and your cheeks warm and you sort of want to cry. You reread it three times and feel that familiar